Cycling Routes
in Mallorca
So much more
than a GPX
We pride ourselves on helping people to get out on the bike and have a great time. That's why we put so much effort into genuinely 'guiding' you through the routes with these guides. Expect to see a lot of photo's videos, diagrams, shortcuts and places to stop for food and photos. It's all the things we take for granted on our regular routes, so we're psyched to share them with you for you next adventure!
What makes a
Velovie route?
Apassion for what we do. A joy for riding our bikes. But more importantly requests from our members, and advice from local legends and professionals! So big shout out to everyone who has and contonues to give us pointers to make our routes extra special, and to you wonderful folks for sending us requests and suggestions., We really couldn't do it without you!